Deutsche Version

Experimental Rockets

Here in this section, you will find some brief information concerning the P2 certificate in Germany and the various level systems. I'm myself a member of the GERMAN EXPERIMENTAL WORK GROUP, ( Concerning experimental rockets, there is sufficient information in the internet to be found regarding this subject.

I conduct in irregular periods, a "P2" course in the DERA. (Paragraph 27 of the Laws and Regulations governing explosives, the Lawful Utilization and Handeling of Expolsive Materials and their Deployment and Utilization in Experimental Rockets). After the successful conclusion of the expert examination in this area, you attains the permission to become involved with Rocket Motors which are classified in P2 (SprengG, § 3a). There is no limmitation for more massive motors. Exactly, this course concerns itself with all aspects necessary for the construction of rockets where a take-off weight of more then 10kg is necessary. In this case, though, these areas of weight are only theoretically considered. The reason for the course is to provide the student and examinee exposure to the problems and problematics, to consider these problem in his on-going project and to demonstrate a few of the solutions for such problems. The pre-requisite for participation in this course is the proof that small model rockets had been previously constructed.

In the world outside Germany the utilization of a level system is a given. Outside Germany, in addition to the legal requirements, a voluntary limitation for all those concerned is recognized. In order to attain a higher level, so to attain the permission to utilize larger and more powerful motors, an examination has to be taken. Since the producer of these more powerful motors in the US requires such a ''level system'', a German citizen can only thus obtain such a motor when he subjects himself to that particular..''level''.
Here is a list of my experimental rockets. Please don't view this as an exaggerated self-portrayal. Instead, it provides distributors an overview of my activities. These are provided to these distributors from whom I acquire items from time to time.

10.1995 : 165cm, 125mm, 8.5kg, 2*BC360(720Ns), Parachute Landing
10.1996 : 165cm, 125mm, 8.5kg, 2*BC360(720Ns), Parachute Landing
10.1996 : 165cm, 125mm, 8.5kg, 2*BC360(720Ns), Crash
10.2004 : 165cm, 105mm, 5.2kg, BC360(360Ns), Parachute Landing
10.2004 : 165cm, 105mm, 5.2kg, BC360(360Ns), Parachute Landing
06.2005 : 165cm, 105mm, 5.5kg, BC360(360Ns), OnBoard Video, Parachute Landing
10.2005 : 165cm, 105mm, 5.5kg, BC360(360Ns), OnBoard Video, Parachute Landing
10.2005 : 165cm, 105mm, 5.5kg, BC360(360Ns), OnBoard Video, Crash
05.2006 : 245cm, 105mm, 8.0kg, 2*BC360(720Ns), OnBoard Videos, Parachute Landing
05.2007 : 245cm, 105mm, 8.0kg, 2*BC360(720Ns), OnBoard Videos, Parachute Landing
05.2007 : 245cm, 105mm, 8.0kg, 2*BC360(720Ns), OnBoard Videos, Parachute Landing
10.2007 : 245cm, 105mm, 8.0kg, 2*BC360(720Ns), OnBoard Videos, Parachute Landing
05.2008 : 245cm, 105mm, 8.0kg, 2*BC360(720Ns), OnBoard Videos, Parachute Landing
09.2011 : 245cm, 105mm, 8.0kg, 2*BC360(720Ns), Parachute Landing
09.2011 : 245cm, 105mm, 8.0kg, 2*BC360(720Ns), Parachute Landing
10.2011 : 245cm, 105mm, 8.0kg, 2*BC360(720Ns), Parachute Landing
10.2011 : 245cm, 105mm, 8.0kg, 2*BC360(720Ns), Parachute Landing
10.2011 : 245cm, 105mm, 8.0kg, 2*BC360(720Ns), Parachute Landing
04.2012 : 245cm, 105mm, 8.0kg, 2*BC360(720Ns), Parachute Landing
04.2012 : 245cm, 105mm, 8.0kg, 1*BC360(360Ns), Launch failure
10.2013 : 245cm, 105mm, 8.0kg, 2*BC360(720Ns), Parachute Landing
10.2013 : 245cm, 105mm, 8.0kg, 2*BC360(720Ns), Parachute Landing
07.2014 : 245cm, 105mm, 8.0kg, 2*BC360(720Ns), Parachute Landing
10.2014 : 245cm, 105mm, 8.0kg, 2*BC360(720Ns), Parachute Landing
10.2014 : 245cm, 105mm, 8.0kg, 2*BC360(720Ns), Parachute Landing
09.2017 : 245cm, 105mm,11.8kg, 3*BC360(1080Ns), Parachute Landing
10.2017 : 245cm, 105mm,11.8kg, 3*BC360(1080Ns), Parachute Landing
09.2018 : 245cm, 105mm,11.8kg, 2*BC360(720Ns), Crash
04.2023 : 120cm, 65mm, 2.7kg, 3*Zink(62Ns), cancellation

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The first large model rocket from me. In total, 8 servos were built in, 4 for the fins, 2 for the opening of the parachute container and 2 to steer the parachute. The parachute was a steerable flat designed parachute. This did not unfortunately function properly. Under the tip of this parachute, there was an emergency parachute which could be set into action remotely. The electronics here were non-programmable. The Logig was a ''proven'' system. The steering of the opening of the chute works via timer and radio.
It was found quickly that with a minor flight height from only 160m, that everything had to function on its own, automatically. It all occurred too fast to manually intercede in the occurances. Actually, a flight height of 300m had been calculated. That was the case in the third flight with the crash. I could have launched the rocket on the grounds in order to pass a stoppage at a distance of 2kms. This was done in order to assure that no-one came to harm.
Length : 165cm
Diameter : 125mm
Weight : 8.5kg
Motor : 2*BC360 (720Ns)
Flight Height : ca. 50m
Landing : Parachute
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The 2nd flight. This demonstrated that the flattened parachute didn't function. It was necessary in the relation to a very simple ''normal round nose-cap parachute'' had double as much material and was double as heavy. A ''round nose cap ''parachute had had the effect of droping the rocket gently to the earth.
Length : 165cm
Diameter : 125cm
Weight : 8.5kg
Motor : 2*BC360 (720Ns)
Flight Height : ca 170m
Landing : Parachute
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The crash. The rocket didn't achieve the necessary altitude. The parachute opened 2m above the earth. This showed clearly that the process steering within the rocket has to be designed flexibly. Even on the start ramp the steering/control had to be adjusted.
Length : 165cm
Diameter : 125cm
Weight : 8.5kg
Motor : 2*BC360 (720Ns)
Landing : Crash
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A new rocket, new launcher and above all, new electronics. Preliminary parachute, main parachute and emergency parachute in one. The landing occurred via preliminary parachute and emergency parachute. The emergency parachute was thus successfully tested.
Length : 165 cm
Diameter : 105mm
Weight : 5.2 kg
Motor : BC 360 ( 360Ns)
Flight Height : ca 130m
Landing : Parachute
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The landing occurred using the Pre-parachute and the emergency parachute. The emergency parachute saved the rocket, since the cord of the parachute was stuck and freed itself by way of the ''blow-off'' of the tip of the parachute.
Length : 165cm
Diameter : 105mm
Weight : 5.2kg
Motor : BC 360(360Ns)
Flight Height : ca 210m
Landing : Parachute
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The landing was effected via the preliminary parachute and main parachute. The on-board video-cam showed a good opening of the parachute.
Length : 165cm
Diameter : 105mm
Weight : 5.2kg
Motor : BC 360(360Ns)
Flight Height : ca260m
Landing : Parachute
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The landing occurred with preliminary parachute and emergency parachute. The video-cam didn't work as I had forgotten to load the accumulators of the cam. The landing was hard on concrete.
Length : 165cm
Diameter : 105mm
Weight : 5.2kg
Motor : BC 360(360Ns)
Flight Height : 260m
Landing : Parachute
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The Crash. The on-board video-cam showed the problem which is responsible.
Length : 165cm
Diameter : 105mm
Weight : 5.2kg
Motor : BC 360(360Ns)
Flight Height : 260m
Landing : Crash
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The new rocket was so heavy that it had to be lifted with 2 BC 360 motors. The rocket in general is so constructed that it is more service friendly. Within it, 2 video-cams are in operation, one with a view up-wards, one with a view downwards. In the course of its steering, a radio-ride can occur. The landing was effected by the pre-parachute and main parachute.
Length : 245cm
Diameter : 105 mm
Weight : 8.0kg
Motor : 2BC 360(720Ns)
Flight Height : ca 260m
Landing : Parachute
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The landing was effected with a pre-parachute and main parachute.
Length : 245cm
Diameter : 105mm
Weight : 8.0kg
Motor : 2BC 360(720Ns)
Flight Height : ca 260m
Landing : Parachute
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The landing occurred via the main parachute, preliminary parachute and emergency parachute. The parachute cover was stuck at first so that the emergency parachute had to be launched. A few seconds later, the cover was released, so that the preliminary parachute was released and functioned. The main parachute was activated and released via radio.
Length : 245cm
Diameter : 105mm
Weight : 8.0kg
Motor : 2BC 360 (720Ns)
Flight Height : ca 260m
Landing : Parachute
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The landing occurred via the main parachute, preliminary parachute and emergency parachute. The on-board video-cams didn't work. The accumulators has no charge to stay longer as 2-3 minutes. That is the reason why I don't know anything about the activating of the emergency parachute.
Length : 245cm
Diameter : 105mm
Weight : 8.0kg
Motor : 2BC 360 (720Ns)
Flight Height : ca 260m
Landing : Parachute
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The landing occurred via the preliminary parachute and emergency parachute. Both of the on-board video-cams are working correct because of new accumulators. The reason of the failure of main parachute is recorded.
Length : 245cm
Diameter : 105mm
Weight : 8.0kg
Motor : 2BC 360 (720Ns)
Flight Height : ca 260m
Landing : Parachute
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The landing occurred via the main parachute, preliminary parachute and emergency parachute. The emergency parachute was released because the mounting of the cone was going bad in the last 5 years. At the time were the preliminary parachute was going open the cone was fipping off. For this flight no onboard video cam was available.
Länge : 245cm
Durchmesser : 105mm
Masse : 8.0kg
Motorisierung : 2 BC360 (720Ns)
Flughöhe : ca. 260m
Landung : Fallschirm
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The holder of the nosecone, under which the recovery parachute is, was modified slightly. The landing was accomplished again on preliminary and on the main parachute.
Länge : 245cm
Durchmesser : 105mm
Masse : 8.0kg
Motorisierung : 2 BC360 (720Ns)
Flughöhe : ca. 260m
Landung : Fallschirm
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The landing was accomplished on preliminary and on the main parachute. For the first time, the 3s flight time is increased to 4.5s.
Länge : 245cm
Durchmesser : 105mm
Masse : 8.0kg
Motorisierung : 2 BC360 (720Ns)
Flughöhe : ca. 260m
Landung : Fallschirm
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The landing occurred via the emergency parachute. An error in the packing of the preliminary parachute led to the result that the parachute can't bo opened. Thus, none of the other parachutes could be opened by radio.
Länge : 245cm
Durchmesser : 105mm
Masse : 8.0kg
Motorisierung : 2 BC360 (720Ns)
Flughöhe : ca. 260m
Landung : Fallschirm
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The landing occurred via the main parachute, preliminary parachute .
Länge : 245cm
Durchmesser : 105mm
Masse : 8.0kg
Motorisierung : 2 BC360 (720Ns)
Flughöhe : ca. 260m
Landung : Fallschirm
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The landing occurred via the main parachute, preliminary parachute .
Länge : 245cm
Durchmesser : 105mm
Masse : 8.0kg
Motorisierung : 2 BC360 (720Ns)
Flughöhe : ca. 260m
Landung : Fallschirm
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Launch failure. Only 50% of the rokets motors are working.
Länge : 245cm
Durchmesser : 105mm
Masse : 8.0kg
Motorisierung : 1 BC360 (360Ns)
Flughöhe : ca. 20m
Landung : Gras
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The landing occurred via the main parachute, preliminary parachute .
Länge : 245cm
Durchmesser : 105mm
Masse : 8.0kg
Motorisierung : 2 BC360 (720Ns)
Flughöhe : ca. 260m
Landung : Fallschirm
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Die Landung erfolgte wieder am Vorschirm und am Hauptschirm.
Länge : 245cm
Durchmesser : 105mm
Masse : 8.0kg
Motorisierung : 2 BC360 (720Ns)
Flughöhe : ca. 260m
Landung : Fallschirm
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Die Landung erfolgte am Notschirm, Vorschirm und am Hauptschirm.
Länge : 245cm
Durchmesser : 105mm
Masse : 8.0kg
Motorisierung : 2 BC360 (720Ns)
Flughöhe : ca. 260m
Landung : Fallschirm
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Die Landung erfolgte am Vorschirm und am Hauptschirm.
Länge : 245cm
Durchmesser : 105mm
Masse : 8.0kg
Motorisierung : 2 BC360 (720Ns)
Flughöhe : ca. 260m
Landung : Fallschirm
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The landing was accomplished again on preliminary and on the main parachute.
Länge : 245cm
Durchmesser : 105mm
Masse : 8.0kg
Motorisierung : 2 BC360 (720Ns)
Flughöhe : ca. 260m
Landung : Fallschirm
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The landing was accomplished again on preliminary and on the main parachute.
Length : 245cm
Diameter : 105mm
Weight : 11.8kg
Motor : 3 BC360 (1080Ns)
Flight Height : ca. 313m
Opening of the parachute after 7.5 seconds of flight.
Opening the main parachute 4 seconds later.
Landing : Parachute
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The landing was accomplished again on preliminary and on the main parachute.
Length : 245cm
Diameter : 105mm
Weight : 11.8kg
Motor : 3 BC360 (1080Ns)
Flight Height : ca. 313m
Opening of the parachute after 7.5 seconds of flight.
Opening the main parachute 4 seconds later.
Landing : Parachute

mp4 : 2.6MB - ogg : 5.2MB
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Unfortunately a landing with unopened parachutes.
Length : 245cm
Diameter : 105mm
Weight : 8.0kg
Motor : 2 BC360 (720Ns)
Flight Height : ca. 220m
Landing : Crash
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A new electronics should be tested. This rocket was specially built
for this purpose. Unfortunately, an error was discovered the evening
before the start, which made a start impossible.
Length : 120cm
Diameter : 65mm
Weight : 2,7kg
Motor : 3 * Zink (62Ns)
Flight Height : 0
Landing : -
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